When we hear the word tennis, the first thing that comes to mind is the racquet. While many players are aware of the numerous shapes, sizes, flex, patterns and weights on offer, few realize that there are also numerous stringing methods that exist.
Stringing is one of the most important elements of a racquet. Each stringing technique is unique and can provide stringers with a complex task. That being said, despite the fact that each technique has a different affect on the way the racquet feels, they all have something in common: they haven’t been scientifically developed and have a minimal impact on the sweet spot.
This is the case for all stringing techniques, apart from one: Sergetti’s stringing process.
Let’s discuss some of the most common methods and the reasons why Sergetti’s scientifically-proven stringing process stands out above the rest.
Standard Method
This is the most commonly-used technique. It involves pulling all the strings, mains (vertical strings) and crosses (horizontal strings), to the same tension.
But over time, experienced stringers realized that it’s not ideal for strings to be pulled to the same tension. This led to the creation of alternative stringing methods in order to try to improve the sweet spot size and help players get the most out of their game. Here are a few of them:
Standard Differential Method
As the name suggests, this technique is like the standard one above, but involves applying different tensions to the main and cross strings. For example, you may pull mains at 48 pounds and crosses at 52 pounds, vice versa.
Proportional Stringing
If strings are pulled to the same tension, shorter strings near the frame will be stiffer than those in the middle of the racquet. This technique will apply a tension proportional to the length of the string. Starting from the middle, the length decreases, as well as its tension. While this may optimize the sweet spot ever so slightly, this method could make your overall tension far lower than you hoped for, which could affect your impact force and shot precision.
ATW (Around the World), AATW (Around and Around The World), Jay’s Custom and 50-50
While the above techniques are very similar, they all have different installation sequences.
JET Method
This method is somewhat different from those mentioned above, as it relies on the proportional method. Since few strings are pulled at different tensions, this technique can increase the sweet spot area every so slightly. It’s important to note, however, that the tensions are not scientifically calculated.
Generally speaking, the benefits of the above stringing techniques felt by players are mainly based on personal feelings; unfortunately, there are few technical advantages. After all, none of them have been developed or proven scientifically. No matter what strings are used, these techniques fail to significantly impact the sweet spot and it remains close to 12%.
Sergetti’s Stringing Process
Sergetti’s stringing process was born after 12 years of scientifically validated research and development and has since served as a useful tool for stringers and players.
Stringing has never been simpler: after all, this process is based on the standard method—the easiest of all. Stringers simply have to pull each string to a different tension. All the details can be found on an easy-to-follow Sergetti Personalized Tension Sheet.
Since Sergetti’s method takes 50 variables into account when determining the perfect and unique tension of each string, the end-result is incredibly precise.
Here are a few examples of variables that our unique process takes into consideration:
- Racquets and strings specific characteristics;
- Frame distortion: In its tension calculations, the Sergetti process takes into account the distortions of the frame during the installation of the Main and Cross strings. These distortions are due to the pressures exerted by the applied tensions and thus cause a multitude of variations of strings tensions during the process since each part of the frame is deformed at a different level.
- The friction between strings while weaving cross strings, which varies from one string to another.
Sergetti’s algorithm can be used on all racquet models. It’s also able to increase the sweet spot from 12 to 70%, make off-center hits 3 to 5 times more stable and counterbalance any deformation in the frame. What’s more, it boosts performance, increases error margins and greatly reduces the risk of injury.
Order your Sergetti tension sheet now!